I would advise anyone that is reading this to please refrain from purchasing a Mazda5 until these defects are corrected, otherwise, you may end up paying out of pocket as Mazda suggests I should. If you currently own a Mazda5 and have had issues with the suspension, please document them in the comments section, as I have seen many other complaints online. Perhaps we can all document them here.
The following is a summary of the repairs I have had and the timeline:
1) Alignment issues when car is picked up. The vehicle pulls to the right. Complaint is logged to the dealer at time of purchase, as well as at first servicing at 5,997 km on 10/19/2006. Dealer claims it is "within spec".
2) The vehicle's suspension begins to moan and groan loudly in sub zero weather. Complaint is logged with dealer at 12,066 km on 1/11/2007, and technical service bulletin #06-07 is cited and used for repair. Both front and rear stabilizer bushings are replaced under warranty. Alignment is again refused, with the dealer claiming that I must have hit a curb, even though I never park my vehicle on the roadside.
3) Alignment issue is still present at 18,030 km on 3/21/2007, and I again mention it to the dealer when in for servicing. The dealer decides to "fix" it. The car now pulls to the left instead of the right.
4) Alignment issue and suspension creaking still persists through servicing at 24,249 km on 6/4/2007 and 29,010 km on 8/11/2007 and 34,314 km on 10/20/2007.
5) Front brake pads and rotors replaced at 36,567 km on 3/11/2007 at an independent shop, since Mazda claimed it was because of wear and tear. Independent shop tells me that the rotors are not able to be resurfaced since they are so thin to begin with, and it is no surprise they have warped early.
6) Alignment and suspension issues are again brought to the dealer's attention at 40,875 km on 12/19/2007. The alignment is once again "corrected", but the fix does nothing. 2 front control arms are replaced along with 2 rear stabilizer bar bushings in an attempt to fix the suspension's moaning and groaning over bumps. The driver's seat has also begun to squeak at this point, and is a little loose in it's mount. Dealer claims that interior rattles etc are not covered under warranty.
7) A different Mazda dealer attempts to solve alignment issue for me at 43,971 km on 1/22/2008, but is also unsuccessful.
8) The front suspension bushings and the rear stabilizer bushings are again replaced at 44,232 km on 1/25/2008, in yet another attempt to silence the intense moaning and groaning in sub zero weather. At this point, a new drivers seat buckle is ordered as well, since the current one is sticking, and refusing to open until repeatedly pressed upon.
9) Driver's seat belt buckle replaced at 50,533 km on 4/7/2008 when in for servicing.
10) Regular servicing performed at 56,676 km on 14/7/2008.
11) Driver's side head light burns out and is replaced at 60,056 km on 8/28/2008.
12) Begin to notice multiple oil spots on my driveway, so a complaint is logged with the dealer at 63,910 km on 14/10/2008. It is found that the oil drain plug is defective, and is replaced under warranty. At this time, it is also found that the right rear shock is blown and leaking oil, so the part is ordered. The driver's side door checker is also replaced at this point, since it is sticking and creaking.
13) Right rear shock is finally replaced at 65,432 km on 23/10/2008. Maybe the part was on back order?
14) Key fob stops working at 67,459 km on 12/15/2008 and is replaced under warranty while the car receives regular servicing. Suspension creaks and groans in cold weather are still persistent, but I am tired of complaining at this point, since the "fix" only seems to work for a few days.
15) Regular servicing performed at 74,877 km on 6/4/2009. A complaint is also logged with the dealer that a continuous squealing noise is heard from the engine in wet conditions. Dealer claims they are unable to reproduce the noise.
16) Regular servicing performed at 83,262 km on 4/8/2009. A complaint is logged with the dealer regarding the steering wheel audio controls, which are beginning to perform incorrect functions, such as volume changing track etc. Squeal in wet conditions is again complained about but since there is no rain, the dealer cannot reproduce it.
17) At 83,509 km, I realize that the squeal happens when the AC is on, and suggest this to the dealer. They claim to have never checked that as a possibility, and find that it is indeed the culprit. The AC tensioner and belt are replaced under warranty.
18) At 85,763 km on 8/9/2009, I am again beginning to find puddles of oil on my driveway. I suspect that it is now the left shock that is blown, and am informed by the dealer that it will not be covered under warranty since it is wear and tear! Even with the history of problems associated with the suspension, and even though I had purchased a "premium" extended warranty at the time of purchase! At this time the right front head light has burned out as well.
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Sorry to hear about all your problems. I always thought that Mazda made a decent car. But I have never owned one. In Feb 2004 we bought a 2003 Dodge Durango. It was a 1st gen letfover (the all new 2nd gen was introduced in 2004) and we got it for $6000 off sticker. It's 2wd with the small 4.7 V8. The only problems with it were a leaking differential seal (fixed under warranty), cracked emissions hose that threw a code (fixed it myself) and just recently some loose weather stripping (again fixed myself). The rest of the car has been flawless and now has 76,000 miles on it. It has a 6 disc CD player, dual climate zones, remote unlock, alarm, and lots of other options. She drives it everyday and it's the vehicle of choice for family trips. I always hear that American/Canadian cars, especially Chrysler's are no good and that Japanese cars are great. I guess you can't believe everything you hear.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear all your problems, but not altogether surprised. I saw your post on TTAC and had to check it out - I've got an '06 Mazda5 GT as well, and I've had some similar complaints (although not as bad). There was a global recall on the bushings, so I've had mine done three times (once in '06, once in'07, and again this year with the recall). Brakes are almost shot at 56k kms
ReplyDeleteOddly enough the new second vehicle in my driveway is an '09 Civic, and when the lease is up on the Mazda it's either a Honda or Toyota minivan.
Original poster here.
ReplyDeleteFrank, its interesting that you mention the perception that Japanese vehicles are manufactured to a higher quality than domestic vehicles, because this was actually one of the reasons that I purchased the Mazda5 (it is manufactured in Japan). I also wrongly assumed that a Japanese made vehicle would surely provide a high level of reliability.
Riz, I am feeling the same way. Ironically, my sister purchased a 2007 Honda Civic EX 2-door, and has had zero problems. I will certainly be looking towards Honda for my next vehicle purchase. I had a 2008 Honda Cr-V rental (while my Mazda was in the shop!!) and loved it.
jim My son-n-law has a 2007 mazda 5 and we just had an alignment done and it is having pulling to the right issues. took back to where the alignment was done, not a mazda dealer, and they said the alignment was within specs. This is not going to be good for the new tires we just bought but had no answers. Mazda design left the shop with no way to make adjustments.
ReplyDeleteInteresting - all the same problems, had to replace tires because of alignment issues, both rear shocks went out and now the "Regional Manager" who has been playing cat and mouse with us, has to approve fixing rust in the wheel wells. I bought new, have had all maintenance done at the same dealership and have loved my sporty little mini mini van (that turns around in my double garage - that's how tight the turning radius is). However, reading all the same issues with your car makes me realize that "you must have hit a curb" and the shocks went out because you drove it too roughly and the headlight was simply a moisture issue are symptoms of bad engineering. Sorry to say but it looks like you've got some significant company.
ReplyDeleteWow, I hadn't checked this site in a while because I thought no one was reading it, but i guess I was wrong! The fact that others are having the exact same issues as me makes me angry that Mazda continues to skirt the issues. What would be most effective at this point? Writing a letter to Mazda will likely result in more blaming of the owner. I have toyed with the idea of getting vinyl stickers and writing all of the problems I have had with the car on the rear window, with a link to this site....
ReplyDeleteThis is so unreasonable. we have a 2006 Mazda 5 sp. Can't find any recalls on it so far..Have ANY of you filed complaints with Better Business Bureau? Somehow, our Lee Johnson Mazda dealership in Kirkland WA has an A+ rating from the BBB. WE're about to complain to BBB.
ReplyDeletePassenger rear door won't unlock-we've been complaining since it was under it's original warranty-they say they can't reproduce it, also something rattles (like a small screw) where the sun roof is, they say it must be the CDs (even tho they fixed it the first time we complained by screwing them in tighter. I asked if they could just screw it tight and then tape over them and they looked at my like I was crazy). The back suspension started making horrible screeching sounds last winter, but went away(we have mild winters in Western WA) and I didn't know it was suspension, but I do STILL notice that while going over even small bumps there is a whole lot of rattling and thumping going on underneath the car. It pulls to the right-but I have hit a curb, tho it was doing that before.
We took it in for it's 60,000mi check and they called us and said we had an oil pan leak and a transmission fluid leak. We never saw anything on our driveway. I pick up the Mazda and lo and behold, our driveway is now covered w/transmission fluid! I take it in again (this has only been three days since we got it back), they 'fix' it again. I pick it up on our way out of town (three hour drive to the parents) and thankfully I was only 15mins into the drive, I lost all acceleration ability to my car. The engine revved up but we didn't move--all in the middle of heavy freeway traffic. I had to coast to a median and wait for a tow truck. They said that this time for sure, it's fixed. All they did was take the transmission seals apart and 'clean them really good' cuz that's what the extended warranty place would only let them do, cuz no light was showing on the computer test. BULL. We get a phone call three weeks later from the jack@ss service guy telling us that the lady(the only nice and respectful one there) who helped us was no longer with the company and that there were now issues with the codes clearing and that we would have to pay them back for the towing bill.I told them to "go to hell." They haven't called us since. It's been about two months now. But we still have all these issues: squealing belt (or something) in the engine when defroster/AC is on when it's raining. It's gotten so much worse. Passenger door now never opens and rarely locks--something they claimed to not be able to reproduce. Our suspension is WAY too loud... My car pulls right and now shakes horridly when pushing on the breaks to slow down. And personally, I think they are all around crooks and lazy @ss's- I think that it was one of their technicians who screwed up something in the transmission in the first place and I told them when it was towed in that none of the technicians who 'fixed' our car the last two times were allowed to touch my car again. Every time that I've had to sit and wait for oil changes, every single employee is complaining about their management and how much they hate the 'hell hole' they work at. No joke. EVERY single employee. They are incredibly unprofessional there.
That sounds pretty horrible... my experience with Mazda's "customer service" hasn't been the greatest either. The squealing noise you are hearing in the rain is definietly a cracked AC drive belt... which Mazda will not repair under warranty, since it is "wear and tear".
ReplyDeleteThe door lock not working... is it a front door? or a sliding door? I was able to find this TSB about the door locks http://www.finishlineperformance.com/pdf/mazda5/bulletin/09-035-06-1631.pdf
Does that help? I know that my right rear sliding door's lock is now only sporadically responding to the transmitter.
The suspension noise is something that Mazda has not bothered to engineer a fix for. Every single time I have brought it in for that issue, they have simply greased the components, which solves the problem for a day or two. As for the rear end being particularly loud, I would get an independent mechanic to check whether the rear struts are blown, since both of mine went early on. I replaced them with Monroe shocks, which have a lifetime warranty, if that is any consolation. They have been problem free since, but of course, that came out of my pocket as well.
The shaking when the brakes are applied means that your rotors are warped... you'll probably have to do a brake job all around. My Mazda just had it's second set of pads and rotors put on on Friday. My mechanic says that the design of the rotors on these vehicles is excessively thin, causing them to warp quickly.
So that's the bad news... I've had almost all of your issues and the solution more often times than not is to take it to an independent mechanic and pay out of pocket for the fixes. It is absolutely infuriating that Mazda does not stand behind their product.
If you don't mind, perhaps we can all collect the VIN of our vehicles and I will compile all the complaints and send a letter to Mazda. If we ahve the VINS, I believe they will take a group complaint more seriously.
We are going through the same bushing issue. Mazda wants to charge us 400.00 for parts and labour and then again for an alignment $100.00. We needed an alignment @ 50,000 km. (I also had to put new tires on the car because the OEM ones were shot and dangerous).
ReplyDeleteWe also had to have our latches changed on the sliding doors because they froze open in the winter. The latches only took 3 trips to the dealershop before they changed it and even at that they blamed us for the problem. Still not quite sure why. Lastly, our radio had to be replaced because it died.
I'm certain that Mazda will not get my endorsement or business in the future.
Major suspension, alignment and tire wear issues on our 2009 Mazda 5.
ReplyDeleteSuspension noise and rear struts blown 1 week past warranty on my Mazda 6 2008 during last summer. Mazda refused to stand behind product. $1200 out of pocket and I went to an independent and got monroe. No issues since. Not impressed with Mazda
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting your thoughts down in writing over here. I totally agree with your statement. Mazda Canada
DeleteI have a 2006 Mazda 5 that I bought new and has always had the noisy suspension, door lock issues, etc. I used to let stuff like that bother me, but I've since learned that life's too short to let those kinds of things get to you. As long as your car is getting your family from A to B safely, be happy and focus your attention to things that really matter in life. Instead of taking your car in to the dealer again, take your kids to the waterpark. My 2 cents.